Saturday, 30 November 2013

Some 'Concrete' signs of progress . . . *groan*

It's really good to see some concrete signs of progress with the Hall Annexe building this week. Sorry, that pun was just too irresistible! 

 Here you can see the concrete beams which will provide the floor.

Here you can see the floor going in and the first lot of brickwork.

And from another angle . . . 

Meditation on a bag of sand . . . ?

One thing is for sure, the children in the hall are enjoying seeing the big diggers and watching cranes offloading materials, all from the safety of the parish hall.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Health and Safety . . .

We know it has become a bit of a cliché but we take Health and Safety very seriously, as do our contractors, and quite rightly so.

One of the reasons for this little blog is to keep everyone informed as to progress on the construction of the new hall annexe.  Naturally we are all curious  and we certainly wouldn't like to see people trying to enter the site and see for themselves.

At last there is something to see above ground . . .

The blockwork has been started and you can see the outline and extent of the annexe.

Thank you for all your donations so far.  This is all thanks to your generosity.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Views . . . and views . . .

Well, there are views . . .

Such as this one looking out over Chipstead . . .

And,then again, there are views . . .

Such as this one from the presbytery kitchen window . . .  

This will be the view for the next four months or so. Not particularly inspiring, I must admit but it is good to see things happening and we can all put up with minor inconveniences knowing that the end result will be worth waiting for.

Also, looking at the site office from the presbytery kitchen, it appears as if they have no window all, let alone any sort of view.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Update - 10th November 2013


10th November 2013

Thank you to all for your prompt response to the request that pledges for financial support for the Annexe project  now be honoured when you able to do so.

Letters giving details of your pledges have now been issued and it is good to see that so many of the letters have been collected and indeed that quite a lot of money has already been received by the parish.

The picture above gives a graphical representation of the situation to date. 

 Our target is to reduce the height of that  green column!

It is already a marvellous achievement but we expect to be able to see a decrease fairly soon in the £120,000 still needed. All those small amounts; contributions for coffee after Mass, Offerings from Baptisms, profits from social events etc. etc.  They all add up!

Soon we will be having regular retiring collections, possibly once a month. This will also gradually reduce the amount outstanding.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

And we're off . . . .!

Now you see it

And now you don't!

Do you remember the old Scout Hut?  Believe it or not it's now just over four years since the building was demolished.

After much deliberation and countless meetings, surveys, pulpit talks, flyers etc. etc. today saw the first concrete signs of the beginning of our Hall Annexe building project.

On a miserable, wet day, workmen were on site from 6am erecting hoarding to enclose the building site ensuring that the site is safe and complies with health and safety regulations.

It may not look very pretty but it is good to see something positive happening at last.

As they  say, in this case quite literally, 'watch this space'!